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About Contractor Management
The Yancoal contractor management process supports Yancoal and companies contracted to perform work on a Yancoal site to manage their responsibilities under the law.
Yancoal wishes to partner with contracting companies which can demonstrate they have the necessary systems and procedures in place to manage compliance against legislative requirements with the aim to improve day-to-day health, safety and environmental outcomes. The goal is to create a safe and healthy work environment for all persons working and accessing any Yancoal site.
Contractor companies performing work on a Yancoal site must first be registered in the online Yancoal Contractor Management System.
The system allows contracting companies to self-register by entering their company details and submit requested documents (including insurances, licences and relevant procedures). Depending on the type of work to be performed, the company will be required to provide information on how they manage the health, safety and environmental aspects of their work. This information is assessed against expected minimum requirements established by Yancoal. Companies must show they can meet these requirements as part of the registration process.
Contractor company’s can also register and book their employees into Yancoal and site-specific inductions to allow them to access relevant sites.
About Yancoal
Yancoal is a leading low-cost Australian coal producer in the global seaborne market, producing a mix of premium thermal, semi-soft coking and PCI coals for export. Since 2004, Yancoal has built its business through strategic acquisitions; now owning, operating or participating in 11 coal mines across NSW, Queensland and Western Australia.
Yancoal’s New South Wales mines include Moolarben, Hunter Valley Operations, Mount Thorley Warkworth, Stratford-Duralie, Ashton, Austar and Donaldson. Queensland mines include Yarrabee and the Middlemount Joint Venture. Yancoal also manages the Cameby Downs and Premier coal mines in Queensland and Western Australia respectively.
Yancoal currently supports around 4,400 full time employees, sourcing the majority of its people from the local communities in which it operates.
The Yancoal Way
Our Way defines who we are and how we work, encapsulating our belief, values and the associated behaviours expected from every member of our team, every day.
Our beliefs
Our three core beliefs drive our values to deliver. They are:
- Transparency: We are open and honest with one another and have a “no surprises” attitude towards the stakeholders we work with.
- Compliance: We always follow our internal rules and the rules of law where we operate.
- Efficiency: We strive to be efficient, productive and effective at what we do all day, every day.
Our values
Our beliefs are underpinned by our core values which drive our daily behaviour. Our five core values are:
- People – Path Way
People are the heart of the Yancoal values.
Our people guide our direction. It’s our people who drive ideas, energy, capital and enterprise, converting them into value for our stakeholders, customers and shareholders.
We value involvement from everyone. Full engagement is encouraged, with 99% of what we need to know already in our people.
Path Way unlocks the power of choice, inspires us to do what we say we are going to do, and brings out the best in each of us. Working for Yancoal is an experience that makes a difference in our world.
- Safety – Safe Way
Safety is not optional. It is considered in everything we do to eliminate harm to our people.
Safe Way helps people be mindful of why they care about safety, risks, and controls. It holds people accountable and ensures all elements are effective together, so people don’t just survive, they thrive.
- Innovation – Better Way
Innovation involves continuously improving the business, so we are better than where we were last year, last month, last week or even yesterday.
Better Way starts with each one of us being curious, stepping up and having a voice. Every idea counts, even those that today seem impossible. The aim is to generate ideas, share them and work together to make them real. The ideas worth implementing improve our workplace and create value for stakeholders.
- Excellence – High Way
Excellence is about identifying and implementing best practices.
High Way is a shared mindset of excellence where our people are proud to be part of Yancoal. They look for excellence in everything they do and reward their colleagues for the behaviours that set them apart and drive the business forward.
They know where they’re going and what it will take to go from great to excellent.
- Integrity – Right Way
Integrity is about operating with ethics. Doing things because they’re right, not just because we should.
The Right Way helps people think about their actions. People make decisions based on principles that impact others, consider the future and deliver on what Yancoal stands for. The Right Way is not always easy but it is always rewarding.
About Avetta
Avetta manage the Contractor Management System on behalf of Yancoal.
Learn more about Avetta.
The Registration Process
The Yancoal Contractor Management process is completed in two parts: company registration and worker registration.
We suggest you read through the steps before you get started, and allow yourself time to source and upload the information needed to register. A nominated administrator from your business will be required to complete the steps below.
User guides with screenshots can be found on the Help and Resources page.
New to Contractor Management with Yancoal? Follow the instructions below to register:
Step 1 > Create your supplier profile
Click here to create your supplier profile, username and password and get started.
If your business is already registered in Avetta, go to Step 2
Step 2 > Connect to Yancoal
In the ‘Find Connections’ search field, type Yancoal.
Add the relevant Yancoal site(s) and select Next in the upper right-hand corner.
Step 3 > Service Evaluation
Enter your ABN (if applicable) and complete a quick service evaluation to identify the services your organisation provides.
Select Next in the upper right-hand corner once complete.
Step 4 > Checkout
The cost to join the program is based on the level of compliance required for your business and the type of services your company offers.
Enter your payment details and confirm your payment.
Please note that adding additional clients in the Avetta system may increase your annual membership cost. Any increase will be generated and charged via future invoices.
Step 5 > Yancoal Prequalification
Select the Network button in the left-hand menu and get started on the prequalification requirements for Yancoal. These may include, but not be limited to:
- Company information and locations
- Safety information
- Insurances
- Licences
Insurances and licenses will be verified by the Avetta team, who will reach out should any corrections be required.
Step 6 > Manual Audit / SMS Review (if required)
Depending on the work your organisation performs (as identified in Step 3), you may be required to complete a SMS review (Manual Audit), which is an independent desktop audit of your Work Health and Safety documents by a qualified WHS professional. The documents you’ll be asked to provide may include, but are not limited to:
- WHS Policy
- Safety Management System
- Safe Work Method Statements/JSA/Safe Work Procedures
- Risk Register
- Training Matrices/Training Needs Analysis
Once complete, select Submit in the top-right corner.
Your manual audit assessment questions and submitted documents will be audited within ten business days of submission. If corrective actions are required for you to meet compliance, you’ll receive an email from our auditors.
You must complete all prequalification requirements for Yancoal before your company will be considered compliant.
To reach full compliance to work for Yancoal, you must next register your workers.
The site you are working on may have an induction approval form that must be completed prior to registration. Visit Help and Resources to see if there is a form for the site where you will be working.
Step 1 > Login to manage workers
From the Connect system, select the Workers tile in the left-hand menu, then select Pegasus Workforce.
If you don’t immediately see the Yancoal tile, click on the Add or Remove Portals and select the Yancoal tile.
Step 2 > Add workers
Select Manage Roles and then Add New Employee to enter each worker’s details. Use each worker’s personal email address and mobile number, as they will receive important emails regarding expiring competencies and additional tools to access.
If your worker already exists, simply click on their profile.
Step 3 > Select sites and choose roles
Step 4 > Upload documents and book training
Your site and role selections determine the competency documents (medicals, induction documents, trade licenses, letters of competency) you’ll upload to prove your worker’s qualifications to perform the chosen role.
You will also book inductions. The online Yancoal Generic Induction (no cost) must be completed by all workers. Other inductions are booked based on the worker’s site and role:
- Ashton Surface Induction $280 + GST
- Ashton Underground Induction $810 +GST
- Moolarben Site Induction NO COST
- Moolarben Underground Induction $665 + GST
- Austar Surface NO COST
- Austar Underground NO COST
- Donaldson Surface Contractor Induction NO COST
- Premier Surface Induction NO COST
- Cameby Downs Surface Induction NO COST
- Yarrabee Surface Induction NO COST
- Stratford Surface Induction NO COST
- MTW Full Induction $395 +GST
Step 5 > Issuance of the Workforce Mobile App
Pay for your worker’s registration and training and order their access ID cards to work for Yancoal.
Worker registration costs $80+ GST per person annually for the management of roles, verification of documents, access to online training, and supply of card. Training costs are outlined in Step 4.
Step 6 > Pay for registration and training
Your worker will be automatically invited to join the Workforce Mobile Application (this may take up to 24 hours after verification). The invitation will be sent via email from Avetta to the email address recorded against the worker’s profile.
The Workforce Mobile Application will contain their digital access card which they can use to gain access to Yancoal sites. Workers can also complete their inductions and training via the app.
For more information regarding the Workforce Mobile App, click here.
Step 7 > Validation of Roles
The role(s) you have selected will appear on your workers profile in a ‘Working Towards’ state. Once the Avetta team have verified the documentation you’ve provided and your worker successfully completes their inductions and training, the status of the role(s) will automatically update to ‘Complete’.
You will be notified via email if anything needs further clarification. Should your worker application be returned, you can view and action rejected applications via your HOME screen > Pending Actions > Returned Applications.
For renewing documents in both the Company Prequalification portal or the Supplier (worker) Portal, this video will step you through the process.
It’s important that you keep your company and worker’s details up to date. You’ll be emailed if any documents are expiring so you can update them in the system.
Help and Resources
Mandatory Online Induction
Yancoal has produced a generic induction for all workers which covers common aspects and requirements across all Yancoal sites. All workers must complete the online Yancoal Generic Induction successfully before they can access a Yancoal site to perform work.
New workers will be automatically booked into the generic induction as they are registered in the system.
Site-Specific Inductions
In addition to the Yancoal Generic Induction, sites have their own inductions that cover the specific attributes, risks and requirements for working on their particular site. Please find more details and information on the Worker Registration page Step 2.
System User Guides
Contractor Documents
- YCC-HST-FRM-579 Site Induction Authorisation Form (Yarrabee Coal Company)
- Cameby Downs Contractor Induction Approval Form
- Ashton Contractor Approval Form
- SGS Academy Terms and Conditions
- Stratford Coal Induction Authority Form
Moolarben Contractor Documents
- Contractor Approval Form – Mechanical (Underground)
- Contractor Approval Form – Mechanical (Open Cut/ CHPP)
- Contractor Approval Form – Electrical (Underground)
- Contractor Approval Form – Electrical (Open Cut/ CHPP)
- Contractor Approval Form – Underground
- Contractor Approval Form – Open Cut/Projects
- Contractor Approval Form – CHPP
MTW Contractor Documents
- Electrical Nomination Form
- Electrical Approval Form
- Mechanical Nomination Form
- Mechanical Approval Form
- Induction Approval Form
Helpful Resources
Our Knowledge Base now provides comprehensive guidance on various aspects of our system. This includes instructions on accessing your account and registering, navigating our supplier portals, managing roles and worker subscriptions, setting up and using the Workforce by Avetta Mobile App and other support materials.
The Business Rules specify the requirements of the documents you upload in the system. Ensuring your documents meet these requirements will save time and have your workers approved faster.
Workers can be removed from your company by an administrator directly in the system. Instructions on how to complete this process are available under the End Employment sub-heading of this page: https://kb.pegasus.net.au/display/WFMS/Supplier+Portals
Helpful Resources
- Safe Work Method Statements overview
- Safety Management System Knowledge Base
- SafeWork NSW
- WorkSafe Victoria
- WorkCover WA
- SafeWork SA
- WorkSafe Queensland
- Safe Work Australia
- SAI Global
Frequently Asked Questions
Please click to expand the FAQ below.
Where do I register or login to the Yancoal Contractor Management System?
You can find instructions to register on the Registration Process page.
The user guides at the top of the page will help you use the system.
What documents do I need to upload to register my business as a Yancoal contractor?
Depending on the work your business does, you’ll need to upload copies of the following documents when prompted in the system:
- Workers Compensation Insurance policy
- Public & Product Liability Insurance policy
- Professional Indemnity Insurance policy
- Motor Vehicle Insurance policy
- Plant & Equipment Insurance policy
- Company Trade Licences (eg electrical contracting license)
- Health, Safety and Environmental Management System documentation and procedures.
How much does it cost to register a business?
The cost to join the program is based on the level of compliance required for your business and the type of services your company offers.
Please note that adding additional clients in the Avetta system may increase your annual membership cost. Any increase will be generated and charged via future invoices.
How much does it cost to register a worker?
Worker registration (subscriptions) in the Yancoal Contractor Management System cost $80 + GST annually for role and competency management, online training, and verification.
The worker subscription renewal date is based on the date the card was purchased, not when it was printed and sent. You’ll be emailed one month prior to expiry to renew the subscription.
How do I renew?
The annual subscription fee will be automatically deducted from your account at the time of renewal. If you are required to do an annual assessment, you will be notified to log back into Connect to resubmit.
How do I book inductions for my workers, and how much do they cost?
Inductions are booked during the worker registration process, and depend on your worker’s role for Yancoal (expand Step 2 on the Registration Process page for details).
New workers will be automatically booked into the Yancoal Generic Induction as you register them in the system. It can be completed online and there is no additional fee for the Yancoal Generic Induction.
The site induction schedule will be displayed during role selection in the system. Inductions are scheduled depending on demand.
- Ashton Surface Induction $280 + GST
- Ashton Underground Induction $810 +GST
- Moolarben Site Induction NO COST
- Moolarben Underground Induction $665 + GST
- Austar Surface NO COST
- Austar Underground NO COST
- Donaldson Surface Contractor Induction NO COST
- Premier Surface Induction NO COST
- Cameby Downs Surface Induction NO COST
- Yarrabee Surface Induction NO COST
- Stratford Surface Induction NO COST
- MTW Full Induction $395 +GST
How can I get a refund?
If you believe you need a refund, follow the instructions here.
How long are worker inductions valid for?
The current validity of Yancoal inductions are:
- Ashton: 3 years
- Austar: 3 years
- Cameby Downs: 2 years
- Donaldson: 3 years
- Moolarben: 3 years
- Mount Thorley Warkworth: 2 years
- Premier: 2 years
- Stratford / Duralie: 2 years
- Yarrabee: 2 years
Membership and billing
If you have questions about your invoice or membership, click here.
When will inductions be finalised?
Induction bookings are final upon payment through the Contractor Management System.
How do I add and manage users?
If you need to add additional users, click here for instruction.
Where are training email confirmations sent?
Training confirmations are sent directly to the worker’s training email. You can change the training email in Onsite Track Easy. Find a user guide for this process here: https://kb.pegasus.net.au/display/OCCS/Person
How do I remove a client connection?
If you choose the wrong Yancoal site or accidently add another client, click here for instructions on how to remove the connection.
How long does it take to review my worker’s application?
Worker verification can take up to two business days to be reviewed by the Yancoal team.
Do my subcontractors need to register?
Yes. You must ensure that any subcontractors you have engaged to work at a Yancoal site have registered their business and workers in the Contractor Management System. Ask that they follow the Registration Process.
Who do I contact if I need help or have questions about Yancoal contractor management?
You can contact the team for help in the system. Visit Contact Us.
I have workers at MTW. What do I do?
You will login to the system to manage workers at MTW when you need to:
- book re-inductions for your existing employees (you will see their profiles in the system when you login), and
- register new employees to work at MTW (if you are a new MTW contractor)
You will select a role specific to their work at MTW – for example MTW – Dogman, MTW – Electrical Engineer, or MTW – Gas Fitter. Please note, the MTW – Contractor general role is no longer be available for selection when registering new workers or renewing existing workers. This change does not impact existing, compliant worker profiles in the Contractor Management System.
Can I fast track an application?
Yes, we offers an escalation procedure.
We understands that there are times when you’ll need your data application or access ID cards to be processed faster than our standard delivery time of two working days.
How is our data protected?
Please refer to the privacy policy.